Monticello Rotary along with the 3rd Judicial District in Sullivan County of the NYS Court System are collecting holiday goodies for those in Nursing Homes throughout our county. Being away from loved ones during the Holiday Season is very difficult. Many of our Senior Citizens have no family locally and the Holiday's can bring on sadness and depression. You can help us make a difference. Please donate items such as lap throws, shawls, gripper socks, large print puzzle books, finerless gloves, hairbrush/comb sets, and other items you think your grandparents might like. We will be collecting items through December 20th. Items may be dropped off as indicated in the flyer. Also, items may be dropped off at Kristt Company in Monticello or Albella Restaurant (just let them know it is for Monticello Rotary). You may also contact Lori Orestano-James to arrange a drop off of items by emailing